I have a weird problem, I love to read, but hate to write. So this is problem when you write a Blog. Writing is essential, hence problem.
I went to church today and heard Ron, my Pastor, talk about the Sabbath. He mentioned a story of a pastor working hard trying to win souls, out all the time doing work. He had this room in his home that was his room for study, his escape from the world, family, everything, just him and God. Well it was a busy saturday, busy evening, he goes into this room. His 4 yr old girl, opens the door and asked "Daddy, Can I love you today?" He breaks down and asked God for forgiveness. I hope I keep remembering to love everyday.
The Sabbath is for us to remember Him, God didn't need to rest, He just did, FOR HIS GLORY. lets sit with Him.
I don't want to work hard for the kingdom and not have love. Just like that little girl God wants to love me. ...God wants to love me.