My new digs in Germany has been quite a challenge, I don't mean losing a limb, starving or anything really tragic just different. Stuff like not being able to communicate effectly I know greetings and where is the bathroom stuff, but when you start these little things, the others responde very quickly. what... hey... you want my shoe in the pudding? to fast I get about 40% of the words i cant get meat of the sentence. I having trouble with learning how to wash my clothes, yeah I'm spoiled with my Large capacity washer and dryer back home. anyway i have to 4 flights of stairs i must travel to a dungeon, I can't under stand the words on the wascher so i go back up and my laptop to use my translator go back down 4 flights to no avail. still most the words don't work or are to literal. I try to find a manual on the model in English online not available, it was built in germany no video on youtube.
Had to turn on the water going in the wascher, that is a first, still wouldn't work saw a nieghbor asked him, he responds "no german, Hungary", darn it! what is the luck I found the only Hungarian in Germany. I met the maid Manuela, no not spanish but german she assumed I understood her jesters, but I think I got lost i didn't get the jist. 5 hours later my new bedsheet was in the wascher, but it kept washing for 2 hours??????? I stopped it (off is AUS) then turned the knob to spulen/rinse that went on for an hour, then aus again, then spin dry for an hour so 7 hours to wash my new bed sheet and 3 hours to dry it, AAHHHHHHH!! I wanted to find a river with rocks so I can beat my clothes clean, There has to be a better way, yeah, i know learn german, I am working on it. well my attempt is to wash regular clothes I started wed nite 2 hours for the wash, clothes already in the dryer RATS!!! I then put them in the dryer 9 this morning it i 3pm still not dry, I don't get it. I know this is boring sorry it is my life.
I did get to draw today!!! I went to a cafe' today to draw, nice stress release. My wait person is Karen she speaks english so she has been helpful with words and customs, for my drawing see my other blog for drawings.
I thank God this time.
hilarious. enjoyed every minute of this post, although it comes at your expense. oops.